Tel. +48 504-155-074
Pn-Pt: 10:00-18:00
Sobota: 10:00- 15:00
No supplier
COLOR GREEN 532 NM 600 MW DMX ILDA + + AUDIO 10 DMX channels
The company CLUBMUSIC With BIALEGOSTOKU shows you the latest product in the field of pyrotechnics stage and CLUBCO 2 COLD SMOKE MACHINE.
The company CLUBMUSIC from Bialystok to your latest product in the field of pyrotechnics, stage and club namedCONFETTI LAUNCHER GUN !!!
Confetti tube 60 cm fired power 12v placed in the middle of colorful paper confetti large range of super-effect
Confetti tube 90 cm fired power 12v placed in the middle of confetti metallic silver or gold long range super-effect